Better Acquisitions Through Better Brand Thinking

Ah, acquisitions. A joyous time for all involved. The acquirer gets to bask in the glory of winning out over other suitors, expanding their own business by taking on that of another. The seller gets to breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that some savvy business person stepped up to appreciate all they'd built and will help it grow and thrive as the amazing business it is meant to be. Right? Sadly, after the party, the brand hangover sets in.

After the party, the brand hangover sets in.

For anyone who has actually lived through an acquisition, regardless of the side of the table they sat on, reality looks a lot different. In the rush to get the deal done, brand rarely gets mentioned. In fact, the idea of being involved before the deal is announced publicly is something most brand marketers assume they'll never be involved with. Which is true until it isn’t, and they find themselves scrambling to catch up. 

The benefits of going into acquisition discussions brand aware can be significant.

The benefits of going into acquisition discussions brand aware can be significant. First, you'll know what you're actually buying or selling. Sure, tangible assets are being traded (money for a business), but the intangible items are actually the hardest to put a price on. All too often those involved place a value on the latter group without really understanding how powerful the target brand is today, let alone how it will work within the context of the business structure. Second, early involvement means having more time to make a plan.  What needs to be converted, when websites need to be updated, what logos need to be created. Finally, brand thinking can actually help shape what targets make sense. By finding brands that fit, not just businesses that seem appealing, the likelihood of a successful integration goes ups.

To put it simply, early and active involvement by the marketing team can save money, save time and save headaches. Triple win, right?

Save money, save time and save headaches.

So, what can you – the resident brand guru – do to make sure that your acquisition boon doesn't turn into an acquisition flop? Funny you should ask.

Six brand tips for better acquisitions